Gain the Red Edge: Creating Love

Gain the Red Edge: Creating Love

Some who may not have the kind of love they wish for may find Valentine’s Day to be a bit overwhelming.

Understandably so.

But it may not have to be that way.

I am inspired by those who choose to Gain the Red Edge by discovering and creating love, whatever their circumstance may be.

Creation, I believe, is the keyword.

Creating love, I believe, is first seeing and feeling the love which surrounds us.

Seeing and feeling can open our heart to receiving love, which then helps us to create love by giving love.

It may be love for the people we know, for our family or friends. It may be love for our country, or for our God.

Perhaps love for this beautiful world we live in, nature in all her glory will help us discover and create more love.

Discovering a love for the gift of the very moment we live in can be enhanced by feeling love for those moments which have passed, and feeling love for the moments still to come.

We can choose to…

Create love by choosing to see love.
Create joy by choosing to receive joy.
Create happiness by choosing to receive happiness.

Love is a beautiful gift.

To receive.
And to give.

CHALLENGE: Take time today to discover the love surrounding you.

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