Monday Morning Boost: A Place to Call Home

Monday Morning Boost: A Place to Call Home

Hyde Park and Cache Valley are places that evoke a sense of belonging–a sanctuary we yearn to return to after being away. The quest for a place to call home has resonated deeply with people across generations and cultures. Our community gathered Saturday night to celebrate the heritage of the place we call. We had the parade with a military honor guard leading the way, the city royalty, a bunch of homemade floats, and emergency vehicles with their lights and…

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Monday Morning Boost: The Boys of Bravo Battery, Part 2

Monday Morning Boost: The Boys of Bravo Battery, Part 2

The days of the week would tend to run together while we were in Iraq. But I’ll forever remember July 16th in 2005 was a Saturday. It was a mail run day for Ron Wood and the other soldiers on his crew. They were on special mission toding Convoy Escort Security for the division’s eventual departure out of Iraq. They were based out of LSA Speicher near Tikrit operating on their own away from our main base in Kirkuk. They had…

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Most came home from war. Some didn’t. Sergeant 1st Class Ronald Tanner Wood was one of them. July 16th will mark 19 years from the day Ron Wood was killed in Iraq. I would like to share a little bit of Ron’s story, and the story of the Boys of Bravo Battery, who I was honored to be a part of. Today is Part One. Bravo Battery of the Utah Army National Guard out of Logan and Brigham City was,…

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Monday Morning Boost: Raising The Flag

Monday Morning Boost: Raising The Flag

Twenty years ago, on July 3rd, my journey to Iraq began with the raising of this American flag at our home. As I reflect on that pivotal time in my life, the memories of service and sacrifice are ever-present. I love how these photos capture the simplicity and beauty of a moment I will forever cherish. In one picture, you can see my sons Cody and Clint helping me raise Old Glory on the pole for the first time. As…

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Monday Morning Boost: Harnessing the Power of Intentional Leadership

Monday Morning Boost: Harnessing the Power of Intentional Leadership

In small business ownership, luck can play a role in who we meet, but it’s our actions that truly shape our journey. Instead of waiting for luck, we can create environments that surround us with greatness. Tony Robbins said, “Who you spend time with is who you become. Proximity is power.” This concept is central to the Intentional Leadership Mastermind groups presented by Red Edge Mentoring. We have been leading these Mastermind groups for six years ago for the sole…

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Monday Morning Boost: On Behalf of a Grateful Nation

Monday Morning Boost: On Behalf of a Grateful Nation

“On behalf of the president of the United States, the United States Navy, and a grateful nation, please accept this flag as a symbol of your honorable and faithful service.” It was my sacred privilege to deliver these words to Seaman 1st Class Fred Bingham, a 99-year-old veteran who joined the Navy in August 1945, right at the end of World War II. On this day, Seaman Bingham was surrounded by his family at Mack Park in Smithfield, Utah, during their…

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Monday Morning Boost: A Birthday Thank You

Monday Morning Boost: A Birthday Thank You

I know I look old and grumpy in this photo… but celebrating my birthday neither made me feel old or grumpy! I love celebrating my birthday and each one seems to turn out better than the previous! Turning 58 this past Friday has been an incredible blessing. For the first time, we had all three of our grandkiddos together, and our two daughters joined us as well. We have enjoyed several days filled with joy, laughter, and the kind of…

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Monday Morning Boost: D-Day Leadership Lessons

Monday Morning Boost: D-Day Leadership Lessons

On the 80th anniversary of D-Day on June 6th, we’re reminded of the extraordinary courage and leadership that shaped the course of history. The beaches of Normandy were the stage for a monumental operation that required meticulous planning, unwavering determination, and selfless sacrifice. As I reflect on this pivotal event, I’m struck by the profound lessons in intentional leadership that emerged from that day. THE POWER OF A VISION Imagine standing on the deck of a ship, the cold wind…

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Monday Morning Boost: Honoring Legacy & Sacrifice

Monday Morning Boost: Honoring Legacy & Sacrifice

On this Memorial Day, I honor the legacy of my parents and grandparents, even though I am not able to visit their gravesites and place flowers. Their memories are woven into the fabric of who I am, and I carry their love, wisdom, and sacrifices with me every day. I strive to honor their legacy by keeping their memories alive, sharing their stories and the moments that defined who they were. In the same way, I strive to honor the…

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Monday Morning Boost: Soar, Graduates, Soar!

Monday Morning Boost: Soar, Graduates, Soar!

Graduation is a time for reflection, celebration, and anticipation of the future. For the graduates of 2024, the journey ahead is filled with excitement and endless possibilities, mixed with the reality of challenges and trials. As you step into the life of tomorrow, I share these simple “Power of Three” principles that can guide you through this pivotal moment by choosing to be an Intentional Leader focused on Building a Community, Creating Your Own Story, and Rising and Soaring. BUILD…

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