Monday Morning Boost: Why Mondays?

Monday Morning Boost: Why Mondays?

Why Mondays?

Good question. I’m asked periodically why I call my weekly email the Monday Morning Boost. I’ve been writing and sharing it every Monday for just over four years. What started as a simple way to keep in touch with a few clients has expanded to hundreds of subscribers via email, LinkedIn, Facebook, and right here at Red Edge Marketing.

Still, why Mondays?

I’ve always enjoyed Mondays. I like the start of the new week, the routine of getting “back to work,” and the mental reset after the weekend. Each is a necessary component to creating a good week. Even if the weekend is jam packed, it still works as a reset if you’re doing something different than your normal Monday thru Friday routine.

So why pick Mondays to focus on?

Let’s hear from you. How do you feel about Mondays? Do you love Mondays, or hate them? Are you neutral and impartial, or non-committal? What do you do to make Mondays work for you? For others you influence?

Send me your thoughts and next week I’ll share the good, bad, and perhaps even the ugly. I’ll also share the specific incident that inspired the name Monday Morning Boost.

So for today…

Have a great Monday!!! Thanks for letting me share.

p.s. Take 15 minutes today to make Monday supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!!!

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