Standing in The Rain to Honor Our Country

Standing in The Rain to Honor Our Country

They stood in the rain to honor our country.

Representing the Cache Valley Veterans Association, they gathered together as an Honor Guard for a flag ceremony at the Cache Chamber Of Commerce annual patriotic golf tournament at Birch Creek Golf Course.

“No big deal,” some may say. “It’s just a golf tournament.”

Maybe so.

After all, it’s not the first time they stood in the rain. It’s part of the many opportunities that come when you wear the uniform.

I like to remember some of those opportunities just might have been standing guard on a base in Afghanistan, patrolling a dangerous village in Iraq, or slogging through the jungles of Vietnam.

When you stand to protect, or to honor, there’s nothing that will stand in your way.

Come hell or high water.

It was an honor to stand with them.

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