Learning to Deal with Loss to Gain the Red Edge

Learning to Deal with Loss to Gain the Red Edge

“I have learned that I don’t need ‘things’ to be happy. I’ve learned to rely on God’s timing.”
That’s part of the message Ganel-Lyn Condie will be sharing when she speaks in Hyde Park this week.
Learning how to deal with loss is one way to Gain the Red Edge.
Dealing with loss and hardship is a story Ganel-Lyn knows well.
She has dealt with lupus, chemo, hair loss, divorced parents, infertility, financial loss, and losing her sister to suicide.
Tough journey.
Yet all the hardships, she says, have shaped her mission in life to spread hope and faith. It’s an effort she loves being part of.
Her message will inspire and lift you up.
Thursday, 7 p.m. at 480 North 100 West in Hyde Park.
Hope to see you there!

Welcome to Gain The Red Edge, an exciting series highlighting best practices to inspire ideas, open up doors of opportunity and windows of creativity, and help you find clarity and focus for your personal and professional passions.

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