Teaching in Business to Gain the Red Edge

Teaching in Business to Gain the Red Edge

The best education helps us learn a principle then learn how to apply it in our life. Sometimes it may be a formal and structured approach. Other times it could be informal and spontaneous.

It was a little bit of both Tuesday morning hanging out at Stevens-Henager College in Logan at the monthly Cache Chamber of Commerce Bizlink Logan networking group.

BizLink is an opportunity for local businesses and entrepreneurs to connect and grow their business. It’s also an opportunity to learn something we can apply.

Here’s a quick snapshot of some of what I learned. Look for ways these principles can be applied in your business to help you Gain the Red Edge.

Jimmy Birman, director of Stevens-Henager College, taught us how they focus on “Putting the YOU back in edUcation.” One way they accomplish this is through a customized blending-learning approach of in-person and online classes.

APPLICATION: Employees respond in different ways. Look for ways to personalize their training experience and be willing to try new and different methods.

Sharilee Griffiths of My Discovery Destination taught us Simon Sinek’s powerful concept of focusing on WHY by moving beyond what we do and how we do it.

APPLICATION: Simon Sinek teaches, “People don’t buy WHAT you do; they buy WHY you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.” What do you believe when it comes to business? Why do you do what you do? What is your why?

David Smith brought a small group of his business students from Mountain Crest High School teaching them the power of networking up and to give before they give. David is also an adjunct business instructor at Stevens-Henager College.

APPLICATION: The old adage of who you know is just that… old. It’s more important who knows you, and why they know you. Taking it to the next level, it’s most important they know you for the value you provide.

Jason Porter taught the power of applying a little magic in business, literally and figuratively, to attract attention and reinforce a point.

APPLICATION: It’s easy to let the routine of life, and of business, dull away the beauty of everyday magic. Author Charles de Lint encourages us to look for the “everyday sort of magic — the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we’re alone.” 

There you go.

Start with WHY.
Network Up.
Find the Magic.

All great ways to Gain the Red Edge by improving how you teach and learn in your business, and in your life.

Thanks for letting me share!

If you’re ready to “Gain The Red Edge” with your business in 2018, sign up for a powerful 30-minute complimentary coaching session that will help you focus and clarify your brand story to better connect with your customer’s story!

Click this link to schedule your complimentary coaching session

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