Monday Morning Boost: Just Stop Saying Just!

Monday Morning Boost: Just Stop Saying Just!

Just Stop Saying Just!

But why???

The word “just” is too often used as a bad four-letter word.

Not bad as in vulgar bad. But bad as in most times when we the word “just” it’s like we feel the need to apologize for whatever we going to say.

Just think (see, I did it myself) of the many time you have said “just” to justify something you don’t feel you are very good at.

Or to qualify you to know you just aren’t as good as someone else.

I’m just a kid.
I’m just not very good.
I’m just a part-time student.
I’m just a stay-at-home mom.

I bet you can even finish the sentence with a part of your life you just don’t feel you’re very good in.


I have friends and family members who are nurses. How do you think they would feel if I said they were not as important in fighting the pandemic because they are “just nurses” and not actual doctors?

Elisa was a stay at home mother for years while we were raising our children. How do you think it would make her feel if I told others she was “just a stay at home mother”? It would be demeaning to her, and to many others, who have blessed generations by their devoted love.

If we wouldn’t talk this way about others, why is it so easy to talk this way about ourselves?

Just saying…

Let’s take a look at this thought from Maya Angelou:

“I’ve learned that will people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
– Maya Angelou

Again, if this is true for others, it is also true for us. We will not forget how we make ourselves feel.


The language we allow to “ruminate” inside our brains affects the feelings of our hearts and the action of our bodies.

When I don’t like my ruminating language, when I start thinking I’m “just” not so good, I intentionally do something to change it. Sometimes it’s as simple as changing thoughts, changing my story. That’s why I focus my efforts on empowering myself and others to create a story of greatness.

“The Law of Concentration,” Brian Tracy teaches, “states that whatever you dwell upon grows. The more you think about something, the more it becomes part of your reality.”

If it’s crucially important I change my negative language, one way I have found to be very effective is to change my physical state.

Our body and brain are intricately connected together. They respond intimately to each other.

Change one…
Change the other.

“To change your mood, you can do something as simple as adjusting your posture. You can make eye contact with the people around you. You can smile, just to trick your mind into thinking you’re feeling better than you actually are. Eventually, your emotions and mindset will follow suit.”
– Tony Robbins

Both approaches work for me… When I choose to do them.

I choose to do them much more often. How about you?

Have a great Monday! Thanks for letting me share.


p.s. Take 13 minutes today to intentionally be aware of how you use the word just.

Lead Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 

What does it mean to EMPOWER GREATNESS? Empower Greatness is my intentional focus word/phrase for 2021, and it was also the focus of my Red Edge Live conversation last week with executive performance coach Lane Monson. Listen in for ideas on how creating your STORY of GREATNESS will have a direct impact on the STRATEGY for yourself and/or your company and help you more authentically love those you SERVE.

The Story You Most Consistently Create Will be The Story To Most Consistently Come True In Your Life. Promise To Intentionally Create A Beautiful, Powerful, Wonderful Story Of Love And Greatness!


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