Monday Morning Boost: “The Wisdom of Walt”

Monday Morning Boost: “The Wisdom of Walt”

What are you destined to do?

That is one of the key questions Jeffrey A. Barnes asks in his book “The Wisdom of Walt – Leadership Lessons From The Happiest Place On Earth“.

Elisa and I gained some insights into this question this past weekend.

I was introduced to Jeffery Barnes (aka Professor Disney) by Cheryl Knowlton, president of the Mountain West Chapter of the National Speakers Association. We’re reading this book together as the board of directors… kind of like a book club on steroids!

In addition to being a fellow professional speaker and one of my most fervent cheerleaders, Cheryl is a certified bonafide Disney aficionado. Actually, she is stark crazy about all things Disney! So a chance to empower her board members with Professor Disney himself was almost too good to be true.

Walt Disney dreamed up the idea for Disneyland while sitting on a park bench doing nothing. His doing nothing time came as a result of watching his daughter play at a park. Sitting on that park bench, his mind relaxed and open up to creative dreaming and imagination.

An idea that started with imagination, eventually “settled as a dream in his heart.” And ultimately that dream turned into a series of actions that led to the creation of Disneyland.

How do you turn the ideas in your head into dreams in your heart?

Elisa and I created time this past week to find a park bench where we could ponder while doing nothing.

The journey started with Keith Urban concert Thursday night. Music you enjoy can provide a creative edge to your imagination. During the concert, I wrote lyrics for my first-ever song. While I have written hundreds of poems, this is my first set of works intentionally created to be a song. I’m excited to see where it goes.

After the concert, we stayed the next two nights in the Salt Lake Valley in an AirBnB owned by our friends Michael and Oakley Marcial. And we had nothing planned other than to relax. I even left my trusty laptop at home, a huge rarity for me.

In our do-nothing time (also highly influenced by Dr. Spencer Wade), Elisa received some key insight from a conversation we had with Sam Silverstein back in February. Sam, who is known worldwide as the accountability expert, was teaching a group of speakers at a gathering hosted by Kathy Loveless the importance of being a “steward of your message.”

How can you be a “steward of your message”?

Finding the message you are a steward of starts with discovering what you are most passionate about.

We have struggled this past year to clearly define the problem we solve and the results we create. We know we have an incredible solution, one that is already delivering results, but it’s been challenging to put it into words.

Elisa and I are most passionate about empowering people to discover their greatness, why they are great, and then creating their stories of love and greatness.

This is what we are passionate about and this is what we are destined to do.

How will living a promise help you live the best life possible?

We have found another level of our living our why by better clarifying our passion and what we are destined to do.

What about you?

If you’re ready to clarify your purpose, create your vision, and live your best life possible, then join us for the Empowering Greatness Leadership Event on October 27th, 2-6pm.

Drop me a note and we’ll get you the details.

Have a Beautiful Monday! I love you, friends!


p.s. Take 13 minutes today to find a park bench and be like Walt.

Author’s Note: I have tagged several people to highlight our journey has been greatly influenced by the greatness of the people we are surrounded by. We couldn’t have done it without them.



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