Monday Morning Boost: What Is An Intentional Leader?

Monday Morning Boost: What Is An Intentional Leader?

I asked this question last week to my incredible followers on Facebook.

“What are the characteristics of an Intentional Leader?”

I was touched by the many answers and impressed with the thoughtful consideration. Thus, I turn today’s Monday Morning Boost over to my friends to share what being an Intentional Leader means to them.

*Please note, some comments were edited for minor grammar, spelling, and readability.  

STEPHANY MORRISON – “Leading by example. Being clear and then trusting vs. unclear and micro-managing. Reasonable expectations with more appreciation than criticism. Respect for autonomy while strictly sticking to the reasonable rules.”

WILLIAM BOARDMAN – “Vision, leading the change, inspiring and training up new leaders… I use a vision of a better world. We make the world a better place by being our best selves.”

ERIC LIECHTY – “The leader is always looking at the workplace environment to be safe, secure and showing appreciation so the employees can thrive in their roles and responsibilities; be present and show appreciation through words and action… I believe that just as employees have roles and responsibilities so do leaders. Think about a driver in their car. The vehicle’s roles and responsibilities are to transport the driver to their chosen destination. There are tons of moving parts, machinery, wires, sensors brakes I could go on and on. It’s the driver’s role and responsibility to monitor the gauges. Be safe in driving. Drive in the direction of the destination. Don’t abuse the car by overuse. Listen to warnings with all senses. And most of all know the end destination! Is it really possible that a driver could do everything a vehicle does for us daily? Can a driver produce an explosion that will move the vehicle forward? No, they can’t. That is why a leader needs to understand the direction and have overall knowledge of how everything operates so they can put the car in different driving modes, or they can use different leadership types (ie. situational, servant, and transactional to move the organization forward to the right destination.”

ASHLEY DAVIS STUART – “Intentional curiosity.”

SEAN RICKS – “The same characteristics as a reluctant leader. But rarely the characteristics of a person who demands to be the leader.”

COLETTE ORCHARD – “Those that naturally follow a leader.”

ERIC AROCA – “Being deliberate in our actions, and not leaving things to chance… I never worry about the unknown. It’s unknown for a reason.”

KHALIL PUDDY SIKANDER – “Intentional leaders are transformative leaders who allow others to lead by allowing others to use their strengths to benefit the team. They allow others to make mistakes in the process to allow for learning and improvement. Intentional leaders hold themselves accountable for the teams downfalls but encourage their team by not letting downfalls outweigh the good that is happening. Intentional leaders lead with the culture first not the results… You teach them about how to communicate with empathy and spirit. You teach them how to show humility. You teach them ways to enhance their team. You teach them to focus on the controllable things. You cannot force them but you can influence them. Some will get it and some won’t. They will see the results in retention, the will see the results in complaints. They will see the results in the numbers if their teams aren’t right. If their results are great, who is in charge of those? The people. Without putting people first, your results will always reflect it. That’s how I believe you get them to change their mindset. We call it SCHAPE! You SCHAPE your people, you SCHAPE your environment and your results will into be in Great SCHAPE and where you want it to be.”

SUNNI BRAITHWAITE BRANN – “Listen, make decisions on the objective of the group, stand strong, show empathy but resilience [through] setting personal boundaries.”

COLTON HENDRIX – “Helping those accomplish their dreams and goals while setting coaching boundaries to make them more accountable for their actions to help them accomplish what they so wish.”

KARL KELSON – “I’ve met plenty of what I call ‘reactional’ leaders. The reactional ones seem to lean forward when problems arise, but seldom outside of that. I think intentional implies forward thinking anticipating and troubleshooting problems before they arise so that decisions, and contingencies are already in place when something happens. I also think intention implies that there is a goal which the leader has considered and made to which end he or she leads. Most of the time that is good, if that intention has been communicated and shared with all those that are needed to complete those goals… I believe developing a vision of where you want to see things go and setting plans to implement it is one way. I think another way is to realize that to be reactionary is to be less prepared than you could be for the situation. I think frequently meeting with your fellow leaders and subordinates to discuss the ‘what if’ and ‘then whats’  is another way.”

MANCHERRY ARORA – “Being deliberate in their actions. Ensuring their everyday actions align with a strong, well-articulated vision. Not leaving things to chance or for things to get better by themselves. Intervening without micromanaging or being controlling.”

ALINA DUMLING – “The heart to bring others together to work together to a higher purpose. To lead in the same direction with multiple task… I think one thing I notice is no listing to the voice of many that whisper in your ear encouragement not discouragement.”

How will you answer this question?

“What are the characteristics of an Intentional Leader?”

More importantly, what will your answer empower you to do?

Have a beautiful Monday! I love you, friends!


p.s. Take 13 minutes today to focus on what characteristics empower you to be a more Intentional Leader.



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