Monday Morning Boost: Harnessing the Power of Intentional Leadership

Monday Morning Boost: Harnessing the Power of Intentional Leadership

In small business ownership, luck can play a role in who we meet, but it’s our actions that truly shape our journey. Instead of waiting for luck, we can create environments that surround us with greatness.

Tony Robbins said, “Who you spend time with is who you become. Proximity is power.”

This concept is central to the Intentional Leadership Mastermind groups presented by Red Edge Mentoring. We have been leading these Mastermind groups for six years ago for the sole purpose of “Empowering Leaders to Create and Live a More Intentional Life by Creating a Vision, Executing a Strategy, and Living a Promise.”


These mastermind groups provide a structured environment where leaders can surround themselves with other great leaders. This safe, confidential, and respectful environment fosters the sharing of ideas, strategies, challenges, and successes.

CLARIFYING A VISION – A clear vision provides direction and purpose. In the Mastermind groups, leaders are encouraged to:

  1. Define their Vision: Clearly articulate their personal and professional goals.
  2. Align their Goals: Ensure short-term and long-term goals match their vision.
  3. Align their Values: Ensure their vision is aligned with their core values.

FOCUS A STRATEGY – A vision without a strategy remains a dream. Executing a strategy involves:

  1. Developing a Plan: Break down the vision into actionable steps with realistic timelines.
  2. Leveraging Resources: Utilize available resources, including the group’s collective wisdom.
  3. Adjusting as Needed: Be flexible and adapt based on feedback and changing circumstances.

LIVE A PROMISE – Living a promise means staying committed to the vision even if adjusting the strategy is needed. This involves:

  1. Accountability: Regular check-ins to stay on track.
  2. Integrity: Maintaining a high standard of integrity.
  3. Celebrating progress: Recognizing and celebrating milestones and achievements.

SURROUNDING YOURSELF WITH GREATNESS – Intentionally choosing the thoughts, people, and information you engage with translates to:

  1. Engaging with inspirational leaders: Learning from the experiences of other group members.
  2. Cultivating a positive mindset: Focusing on growth and improvement.
  3. Consuming valuable information: Staying informed through relevant books, podcasts, and articles.

COLLABORATIVE ENVIRONMENT – The mastermind groups thrive on collaboration. Sharing ideas and strategies helps members gain new perspectives and solutions. This environment is built on:

  1. Respect: Valuing each member’s contributions.
  2. Confidentiality: Ensuring discussions remain private and secure.
  3. Support: Offering encouragement and constructive feedback.


The core focus of the Intentional Leadership Mastermind groups is to “Empower Leaders to Create and Live a More Intentional Life by Creating a Vision, Executing a Strategy, and Living a Promise.” This proven focus empowers Mastermind members to harness the power of proximity by surrounding themselves with the greatness of others in such a way as to clarify direction, foster growth, and create accountability.

Embracing the concept of intentional leadership will also empower you to more effectively navigate the ever-changing business landscape. Choose the sources of information wisely and let your actions reflect your vision and purpose.


As an Intentional Leadership Coach, I offer tailored solutions to help you navigate the complexities of leadership in today’s business world. Whether through our Mastermind group or personalized coaching sessions, we will work together to clarify and focus your efforts to create and live a more intentional lead. Together, we can unlock the true power of your leadership wisdom and pave the path to lasting growth and prosperity.

If you’re ready to create clarity, purpose, and focus on your leadership journey, click the link below, reply, or simply drop me a note.


Have a great Monday! Thanks for letting me share.

I Love You, friend!

Les Patterson

p.s. Take 13 minutes today to clarify how you are creating and living a more intentional life.



Click here to schedule a complimentary Intentional Leadership Discovery Call


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