Monday Morning Boost: Challenging Mountains

Monday Morning Boost: Challenging Mountains

Sometimes this journey of life can feel completely overwhelming.

And that’s been the case for me.

These last few weeks have been extra challenging. And this on top of an extra challenging year.

I’ve struggled to rise in hope as it felt like the weight of life just kept pushing me down. I have struggled to focus on What Matters Most (one of my key Power of Three focuses). I have felt extra tired, lacked energy, and sometimes just downright exhausted.

My confidence, positivity, and hope have taken a pretty big hit.

Most challenging…

I have allowed all this to create tension that has impacted my relationship with Elisa.

She has been in last place. After I focus on everything else, and everyone else, she gets the scanty morsels that fall between the cracks in the floorboards.

How do you more intentionally lead yourself through challenges that feel overwhelming?

In the midst of this turmoil, I turned to writing, as I often do, to sort out my feelings. While writing the poem “Challenging Mountain,” I discovered once again that the dose of encouraging hope I continually seek comes best when I embrace my inner light, rise in courageous hope, and strive to reach out and empower others to soar.

While the shift of perspective is still ongoing (isn’t it always?), I feel more focused and empowered to create and live a more intentional life.


As intentional leaders, it’s crucial to acknowledge and embrace our inner strengths, even when we doubt ourselves. Reflect on what truly matters most to you. What are your core values and beliefs that guide your actions? When you connect with your inner light, you not only illuminate your own path but also inspire and guide those around you.

In my journey, I discovered that recognizing my values and strengths allowed me to lead with confidence. It wasn’t about having all the answers but about being authentic and true to myself.

ACTION STEP: Tap into the confidence of your inner light today by focusing on your authentic core values. 


“Courageous hope” is a powerful concept. It’s about rising above fears and doubts with a resilient spirit. Intentional leaders cultivate a vision for the future that is fueled by hope and determination. They don’t just focus on the obstacles but also on the possibilities.

When I started setting clear and strategic goals that aligned with my vision, I found the challenges became more manageable. Having a clear strategy helped me stay focused and motivated, even when the path was steep.

ACTION STEP: Focus on 3 strategic steps you can take this week that will help create the vision for your best life?


An intentional leader doesn’t just climb the mountain alone; they lead, and bring others along the journey, encouraging, lifting, and mentoring.

In my experience, fostering a culture of empowerment means creating an environment where everyone feels valued and capable. It’s about making a promise to stay on track and support each other in achieving the shared vision.

ACTION STEP: Take an intentional moment today to notice someone around you and create one way to empower them to rise and soar.

During my challenging week, I wrote a poem that beautifully encapsulated these principles. It serves as a powerful reminder of the intentional journey I am on, and the intentional leader I aspire to be.

Challenging Mountains
By Les Patterson

You’re looking for a dose of encouragement,
and I naturally wonder what is hard.
My searching heart wants to help,
to lift a burden heavy, brighten a soul dark.
But then the doubts inside my head,
start to scream, I have nothing to give.
But they are wrong, these ugly voices,
for the eternal truth is greater than they.
I know who I am, though broken I be,
my light still shines, though dim at times.
As I rise with courageous hope,
rise with me, my warrior friend.
Together, we’ll soar like eagles mighty,
our challenging mountains, now specks of dust.

Writing this poem reminded me that the journey isn’t just about reaching the summit. It’s also about the growth and transformation along the way. By embracing my inner light, rising with courageous hope, and empowering others, I am becoming a more intentional leader.

And I believe you can, too.

So, what’s your challenging mountain today? How will you choose to rise and lead with intention? Together, let’s transform those daunting peaks into specks of dust and soar to new heights!


Have a great Monday! Thanks for letting me share.

I Love You, friend!


p.s. Take 13 minutes today to act on one of the action steps above.



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