Monday Morning Boost: My Hero’s Journey

Monday Morning Boost: My Hero’s Journey

In every hero’s journey, there are moments of triumph and moments of darkness. But one thing remains constant–heroes don’t walk alone. They rise and soar with the support of those who walk alongside them, lifting them up when they falter and reminding them of the strength they already possess. My journey has been no different.

I’ve shared before how my father’s example of getting back up became the bedrock of my own ability to rise. But there’s another group of heroes in my life–my wife, Elisa, and our children–who have played a pivotal role in my story. Their love has empowered me to not just rise from my own darkness but to continue creating a new story every day.

Donald Miller, in his book Hero on a Mission, writes, “The stories we tell ourselves about ourselves often determine our actions and our outcomes.”

This has been so true in my journey. As I’ve navigated challenges, it was the story of who I was becoming–someone capable of rising, of finding hope–that kept me moving forward. And it was my heroes–Elisa and our children–who reminded me of that story when I couldn’t see it myself.


In every hero’s journey, there is a “call to adventure,” a moment when they must step into the unknown. For me, this call came in the form of personal battles–doubt, fear, and the weight of failure. At times, it felt overwhelming, like the darkness was too heavy to shake off. But just like in the great stories, I wasn’t meant to walk this road alone.

Elisa was there, by my side, with unwavering support. She has been my constant companion on this journey, my greatest hero. When I felt like giving up, she would remind me that hope wasn’t lost–it was just waiting to be found. She showed me that no matter how low I had fallen, rising was always possible.

Her love wasn’t just a lifeline; it was the power that helped me rewrite my story. Through her steady encouragement, I found the strength to continue creating, to rise again and again. Elisa empowered me to believe in my story, and in doing so, she became an Intentional Leader in our family. She led by example, showing me that leadership isn’t about doing it all yourself–it’s about walking with those you love through their hardest battles.

During this part of my journey, one of the most powerful truths I learned is that transformation is natural. As Donald Miller puts it, “Transformation is natural. None of us look the same as we did when we were babies, and when we are old, we’ll look very different than we did when we were middle-aged. Things that are healthy and alive change. The converse is also true: things that are dead do not change. A rock does not change because a rock is not alive.”

I continue to understand the struggles I faced–the pain, the darkness–were part of my transformation. Rising wasn’t just about overcoming challenges; it was about changing, growing, and becoming more of who I was meant to be. The obstacles that weighed me down didn’t have to define me. Instead, they became catalysts for growth, opportunities for transformation.

And because I was alive–full of love, hope, and a desire to keep going–I could change.

❤️I could keep getting back up.
❤️I could keep rising in hope.
❤️I could keep soaring in greatness.


Just as my dad’s example shaped my journey, I hope that my story will serve as a beacon for our children. In their own way, they have been my heroes as well. They’ve seen my struggles, my stumbles, and my victories. And through it all, I’ve hoped that my example of rising from darkness, of finding hope and confidence, will be a powerful guide for them in their own lives.

Miller also talks about how we each have the choice to become either a victim or a hero in our own story. “We are either becoming more courageous or more cowardly every day,” he says. It’s a powerful reminder that every decision we make–every time we choose to rise rather than give in to despair–shapes the person we are becoming.

I want my children to see me not as someone who has always had it all together, but as someone who has faced the same challenges they will face–fear, doubt, failure–and has risen above them. My hope is that they’ll understand that, no matter how hard things get, they too can rise. They can soar, just as I’ve soared, not because the journey is easy, but because they are capable of overcoming whatever life throws their way.


Once we rise in hope, something powerful begins to happen–we start to soar. Confidence takes root, not because everything is suddenly easy, but because we believe in our ability to navigate the hard times. This confidence doesn’t come from the absence of struggle, but from knowing that, no matter what, we will keep rising.

Intentional Leaders don’t just survive challenges–they soar through them. They use their hope and experiences to fuel their confidence, knowing they are capable of greatness. Elisa and my children have been my wings as I soar, their love empowering me to keep telling myself a new story of love, light, and greatness.

And here’s the truth…

The story I most intentionally and consistently tell myself will be the story to most consistently come true.

My journey is the story I choose to live out loud. And just as my dad’s example became a powerful force in my life, my greatest hope is that the story I live will be a beacon of hope, light, and confidence for my children.


In every hero’s journey, there is a powerful rhythm that moves the story forward. I’ve found that rhythm in the Power of Three:

❤️ GET UP – Just as Elisa and my children have walked beside me, who are the people walking beside you, empowering you to get back up when life knocks you down?
❤️ RISE – Rise in hope, knowing that you don’t have to do it all alone. Trust the people who believe in you, and believe in yourself.
❤️ SOAR – Soar in confidence, not because the journey is easy, but because you are strong enough to face it.


Take 13 minutes today to reflect on your own hero’s journey. Who are the people who have walked beside you, empowering you to rise? Reach out to them with a message of gratitude.


Friend, your journey is your own, but you don’t have to walk it alone. Just as I have been empowered by those who love me, I believe you can find strength in those who believe in you.

Remember, this is also true for you…

The story you most intentionally and consistently tell yourself will be the story to most consistently come true.

❤️Keep getting up…
❤️Keep rising in hope…
❤️Keep soaring in greatness…

Keep creating your story of love and greatness!

I love you, friend. Thanks for being part of this journey with me.

Have a great Monday! Thanks for letting me share.




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