Moments of Gratitude – The Monday Morning Boost

Moments of Gratitude – The Monday Morning Boost

I have been filled with an extra dose of gratitude this past week as I have been reminded of the incredible people in my life who surround me with their confident greatness, lift me up, and empower me to rise and soar.


On Monday, I experienced being surrounded in greatness by the members of my Intentional Leadership Mastermind. The trust and confidence they have bestowed on me, as their leader, humbles me and fills me with gratitude. We share a journey toward growth, and it’s an honor to guide and to be guided by them.

By midweek, I was inspired again by my peers and mentors in the Mountain West Speakers chapter of the National Speakers Association. T Cheryl Knowlton, my professional cheerleader with her “Half Crazy” energy, is a constant source of motivation. Her mentorship empowers me to aim higher than I ever thought possible. It’s incredible how surrounding ourselves with the right people can make all the difference.

*In the main photo you get to see members of the Intentional Leadership Mastermind watching a video from Cheryl Knowlton. We are reading this quarter her book, “I’m Only Half Crazy: Life Lessons Learned While Running Twenty Half Marathons.”

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Ben Rogers and the Rogers HVAC team with Jennie Taylor during the construction of the Cache Valley Remembers 911 Project.


As the cold nights of fall set in, our furnace decided to break down–of course, just when we needed it most! Thankfully Ben Rogers came to the rescue. Ben is the owner of Rogers HVAC and is a good friend, fellow veteran, and one of my coaching clients. His HVAC team quickly diagnosed the problem, and it turns out the thermostat had finally given out after 24 years. While it was a hassle, the technician’s compliment on how well we had maintained the system over the years was a bright spot.

It’s moments like these that remind me of the value of long-standing friendships. The warmth of these relationships is as important as keeping our home warm. Friends like Ben are not only there when you need help, but they also reflect the trust and loyalty we’ve built over the years.

Elisa and I hanging out with my mentor Cheryl Knowlton and her husband Rick.


Through it all, my greatest guides have always been my angel Elisa and our children. For 35 years, Elisa and I have worked hard on our marriage, raising our children, and growing together. Like most marriages, it’s not been an easy journey. Our sister-in-law, Rachel Peterson, shared with us a couple of years ago her marriage was the hardest thing she worked on, meaning that which is most important deserves the hardest effort. Rachael is right. We’ve faced the normal challenges of life, as well as some that have felt not-so-normal. Even the last few weeks have been filled with some extra stress. It is in these moments we rely on our faith, our hope, and our love.

Elisa’s love and friendship have been the bedrock of my life, guiding me to focus on What Matters Most. And our five children–each of them in their own unique way–continue to inspire me with their resilience, strength, and love. They remind me every day of why I keep striving to grow, lead, and love more deeply.


Take a moment to reflect on the greatness surrounding you. Whether it’s the people who lift you up, the friendships that offer warmth, or the love that guides you, these are the forces that will empower you to rise and soar.

❤️GREATNESS – Surround yourself with greatness.
❤️WARMTH – Nurture warmth in your home and friendships.
❤️LOVE – Lean into the love that guides you.


Take 13 minutes today to reflect on moments from this past week that you can be grateful for.


I love you, friend!

Thanks for walking the journey of life with me.

Have a great Monday!




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