Monday Morning Boost: Resonating Voices

Monday Morning Boost: Resonating Voices

When a voice starts to go silent, discovering ways to communicate can be challenging. Theresa Allred has helped me and many others discover it can also be rewarding.

JR and Theresa Allred are neighbors just down the road in Hyde Park. A teacher in her younger days, Theresa’s voice captivated many children. Through her joy of reading, she brought books to life, their characters swimming through the fertile imaginations of young listeners.

Though no longer a teacher when we first met her, on an evening visit to her home Theresa opened the minds of our young children, along with Mom and Dad’s, sending us home with a book for further exploring.

Today Theresa listens a lot.

Her voice is soft, her words few. Yet when she takes hold of my hand and her gentle eyes look into mine firmly and unfaltering, I seem to feel that which her voice wishes to say.

Then sometimes, like yesterday’s beautiful Mother’s Day Sunday, she finds an inner strength to give her heart voice. With a gentle squeeze of my hand, her eyes peering deep, Theresa’s soft voice resonated slowly but clearly… “I love you.”

And I love you Theresa.

Have a great Monday! Thanks for letting me share!


p.s. Take 13 minutes today to listen for a resonating voice.

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