Gain the Red Edge: Trapped Inspiration

Gain the Red Edge: Trapped Inspiration

Some of the best creative inspiration can happen during the midnight hours when our mind is open to the weirdness of dreams, the inspiration of Heaven, and our brain’s natural ability to create is working overtime.

That’s a great way to Gain the Red Edge.

Today’s inspiration was none of that.

Today’s inspiration came very quickly and not during the midnight hours. It was inspired by the lyrical words of singer, songwriter and author Casey Stark.

I don’t fancy myself a poet. No, not by any means.

But I do enjoy when my words weave together in a way that resonates with my heart.

And I have the confidence to share them!

That my friends is what I call Gaining the Red Edge!

With that introduction, I share my latest piece of poetry.


My soul cries out
Freedom of these walls
Yet so tragically real.

Songs of the long night
Concrete shall not break
Grey bleakness of steel

The day dawn is breaking
My heart and mind
My willful soul to liberate.

Wings of glory soar
My beckoning free spirit
Oh Lord, oh Lord, at last
I’m free!

— Les Patterson

CHALLENGE: Look immediately around you for ideas that inspire creative thinking to help you Gain the Red Edge.

Photo by André Sanano on Unsplash

Welcome to Gain The Red Edge, an exciting series highlighting best practices to inspire ideas, open up doors of opportunity and windows of creativity, and help you find clarity and focus for your personal and professional passions.

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