Tina Talks Truth About Healing After Suicide Loss

Tina Talks Truth About Healing After Suicide Loss

Healing after losing my brother Shane to suicide came in the form of a gift and process. Part of that healing process was choosing to share my experience.

I believe #TalkingAboutItMatters. And talking about it helps me Gain the Red Edge.

I was recently invited to share Shane’s story with a larger audience when I was interviewed by Tina Levene with the Tina Talks Truth radio program. Tina is an author, speaker, radio host and a respected voice in the worldwide Christian women’s community.

The interview will air live Wednesday, January 3rd, at 10am ET (8am MT) on One Jam Nation. It will be available as a podcast afterward at Tina Talks Truth. Click the links to listen.

I appreciate this kind introduction from Tina:

“This Wednesday’s show is a MUST listen to show! My guest has a phenomenal heart of grace and forgiveness. He shares how he wants his brother, he lost to suicide, to be remembered for who he was not what he did. Get your tissues because it is POWERFUL.”

If you have lost a loved one or friend to suicide, I invite you to listen to my journey. Maybe something I have learned will help you on your journey.


I give you this eternal promise.

Light will always chase away darkness. Hope will always replace despair. When you feel you no longer have the strength to continue moving forward, strength will come.

You can help yourself because you are stronger than you realize. And you can make yourself a promise that when you are not strong enough on your own, you can reach out for help.

Call a friend. Talk to your minister or bishop. Join a support group. Seek guidance from a counselor.

Call me.

I’m a good listener. I’m a good coach. I have steps and programs to help.

Thanks for letting me share.

CHALLENGE: Listen to another to encourage yourself. Share with another to encourage them.

A clear marketing story better engages, creates energy, and builds a passion for your brand, which all lead to better sales. At Red Edge Marketing I help clarify your marketing story to create familiarity and build an automatic level of trust for your business, organization, or nonprofit.

I call it Gaining the Red Edge!

If you would like help Gaining the Red Edge for your personal or professional pursuits, drop me a note or give me a call… 435-757-4242.



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