Monday Morning Boost: Perfectly Imperfect Moms

Monday Morning Boost: Perfectly Imperfect Moms

The best moms are perfectly imperfect.

And yes, I’m talking about you.

Not your mother. Not the other mom around the corner who always has her kids out the door on time for everything. Not the mom you see on Pinterest who is totally awesome all the time.

I’m talking to you. Hi there.

Being a mom is a journey.

Moms stumble and they get back up.

Moms try one technique, then another, give up, then try again.

Moms love completely even though they sometimes wonder if their actions truly echo their heart.

Moms stay up late, helping a child, worrying about a child.

Moms drop to their knees in prayer, then stand right back up strong in support.

Moms wonder how they can ever do all that needs to be done, but then go about every day doing most of what needs to be done.

At the end of the day, exhausted and totally drained, moms wonder if they made a difference.

Moms go to sleep worrying about that one child, even though he might be all grown up now, while still thinking how she can help out the old lady who lives next door.

Moms don’t let their minds and hearts rest very long.

Then the morning comes.

In the midst of all the craziness beginning of a new day, getting their family started, jump-starting their own day, something incredible takes place…

A new dawn appears.

Everyday. Without fail.

And with the new dawn comes a new sense of hope, courage, confidence, optimism, and excitement for moms.

It’s true.

I dare say my friend you are a perfectly imperfect mom, and that’s exactly what your kids need.

Happy Mother’s Day!

A Mother’s Day full of love
Conjures up a little thought
A little gem to be shared
A gift if I may impart…

By Les Patterson

The little gifts children give
Cereal breakfast in our bed
Watercolor finger paints
Comfort not our tired head.

Magnifying more inside
A course they will one day chart
Echoing warmly their love
Deep inside a mother’s heart.

Have a great Monday! Thanks for letting me share.

Les Patterson

p.s. Take 13 minutes today to reach out to the perfectly imperfect moms in your life.

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