Monday Morning Boost: Getting Out Of Your Head

Monday Morning Boost: Getting Out Of Your Head

Sometimes the voices rattling around inside our head are telling stories which aren’t very good.

Why does this happen?

Negative thoughts are a part of life. It can be a struggle to avoid negative thoughts when dealing with the challenges of everyday life. When challenges of life supersede the norm, avoiding negative thoughts can be even more difficult.

Though negative thoughts are a part of everyday life, it doesn’t mean they have to be a permanent part.

The question then is how do we deal with negative thoughts, especially when they are extremely overwhelming.

While there are many tools to be found, I would like to share three specific techniques I have found helpful when I need to get out of my own head.

Maybe we’ll call them a Power of Three for changing our thoughts!

➡️ Talk out loud to yourself. The simple act of giving voice to your internal thoughts and feelings can help clarify what you’re feeling and does a great job of destroying false and limiting beliefs.

➡️ Write it down. Similar to talking out loud, the tactile function of writing thoughts down on paper will help focus and clarify. In this case, writing with pen or pencil is more effective than typing or finger texting. You can also use this technique to destroy false and limiting beliefs by writing them down and then going through the physical act of actually burning the paper.

➡️ Reach out to your higher power. Communicating your stresses with deity, in the concept you understand deity, allows you to go through the humbling process of extending trust and then seeking and receiving guidance from your higher power.

And here’s a bonus tip…

➡️ Go to work. Physically moving, putting forth significant exertion, is one of the best ways to change your thoughts. As Tony Robbins teaches, “Motion creates emotion.”

“Changing your physiology,” Tony writes on his blog, “means changing your mental state and breaking your negative patterns. Great physiology therefore, leads to great emotions, and that is one of the keys to getting unstuck. Foster a positive mental state and get unstuck by changing your physiology! This can be something as simple as standing up straighter and changing your posture or something more intensive like going on a jog to loosen up.”

Lastly, remember the power of telling yourself a better story.

This is my personal mantra.

The Story You Most Consistently Tell Yourself Will be The Story To Most Consistently Come True In Your Life.

Create A Beautiful, Powerful, Wonderful Story!

I’ve shared my personal mantra before. Starting today it will anchor every Monday Morning Boost.

Have a great Monday! Thanks for letting me share!


p.s. Take 13 minutes today to start implementing the Power of Three for changing any negative thoughts.

Feature Photo by Ashwath SK on Unsplash
Thought photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

The Story You Most Consistently Tell Yourself Will be The Story To Most Consistently Come True In Your Life.

Create A Beautiful, Powerful, Wonderful Story!

Discover how you can better use the persuasive power of your story to better influence yourself and those you care about by scheduling a complimentary “Gain the Red Edge” mentoring call.

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