Monday Morning Boost: Can Red Edge Make It?

Monday Morning Boost: Can Red Edge Make It?

I’ve been told many times a business mentor/coach/consultant can not make it in Cache Valley.

It would be easy to believe this is true. It would be easy to live down to this assumption. It would be easy to allow interactions to convince me it is true.

Here’s what I know.

I’m three years and a month into the Red Edge journey. It’s been tough, fun, hard, and easy. All at the same time! Yet, like many of you passionately pursuing your endeavors, I am still here making an impact.

And, yes, I’m still in business!

It has taken a lot of creative working to still be here. I’ve had to adjust for the market and tweak my offerings. Yet, here’s the thing with adjusting and tweaking.

I didn’t lower my prices.
I increased the value I provided.
I intentionally focused on being better.
Significantly better.

I focused on delivering great value to earn the right for better conversations with business leaders who have a need for the level of guidance the Red Edge strategy provides.

I continue to step into my own confidence doing everything I can to earn the right for the next conversation.

And the next conversation, and better conversations that answer real questions, provide solid solutions, and clearly communicate why my solutions matter.

I’m consistent in the story I share. I’m consistent in delivering my story. I’m consistent in delivering the value the story promises.


Simon Sinek teaches, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”

My WHY guides everything I do personally and professionally.

This is my WHY.

I empower people to take independent action to consistently create a better story to lead themselves and those they love and serve.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and suit


How do I do what I do? Well, I mostly focus on listening.

Yes, I have formal solutions like mentoring, mastermind groups, and workshops.

Those are important.

Mostly, everything I do is asking good questions, listening, then asking more good questions.


“Can I Make It” is a valid question. I have asked myself this same question millions of times. The key difference is now I have a solid answer…


And so can you!!!

Have a wonderful day! Thanks for letting me share!


p.s. Take 13 minutes today to clarify how you are delivering significantly more value.

The Story You Most Consistently Tell Yourself Will be The Story To Most Consistently Come True In Your Life.

Create A Beautiful, Powerful, Wonderful Story!

Discover how you can better use the persuasive power of your story to better influence yourself and those you care about by scheduling a complimentary “Gain the Red Edge” mentoring call.

Click this link to schedule your complimentary call

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