Monday Morning Boost: Embracing Fear With Intention

Monday Morning Boost: Embracing Fear With Intention

Major win for me on Saturday!

I climbed a ladder on Saturday to straighten the Christmas lights on our roof! I was freaked out by the time I hit the third step but somehow I managed to get all the way up to the fifth step, stay on the ladder and fix the lights. In the process I somehow (miracle) managed to not let my head start swirling thinking the whole world was crashing down!

This is REAL my friends!

The fear of heights really didn’t come on till I was into adulthood. Even driving over a high bridge or a higher overpass I have to consciously tell myself I am all right.

Despite this fear of heights, knowledge and previous experience allows me to strap on a harness, thread a long rope through it, and repel off a cliffside or a tower.


“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less.”
–Marie Curie

Fear is irrational. I get it. But that doesn’t mean it’s not real.

Climbing that ladder to fix the Christmas lights was real fear for me.

I recently talked with a business owner who shared with me her greatest fear was fear of success.

Is this real? Can fear of potential success actually sabotage our efforts?

Fear has a large shadow. But is it really so large and dominating it can destroy our potential?

“To take away fear one must embrace the pursuit of experience tempered by the wisdom of knowledge.”
— Les Patterson

The above thought came clearly to me on Saturday as I contemplated my fear of climbing the ladder. I still freaked out about the height. I still had to consciously process my emotions and intentionally focus my actions.

Yet I pushed through and accomplished the task. Doing so helped me once again conquer another level of fear.

Pushing through and embracing fear is one way you can also conquer your fear. Pursuing experiences, pushing our limits, trying things that scare and frighten us. While pushing through, it’s important we also temper our pursuit with the knowledge and wisdom we have gained as well as learning from others.

I like this quote my friend Ben Gochberg (who I also quoted last week) shared about fear.

“He’ll never be frightened. He knows too damn much.”
–Ernest Hemingway, “The Sun Also Rises”

Let us push, embrace, and scare the hell of out fear because we know too damn much!

I just have to think Hemingway knew what he was talking about.

Have a great Monday! Thanks for letting me share!


p.s. Take 13 minutes today to review this Power of Three strategy for overcoming fear from Jack Canfield.

Base Photo by Jasper Boer on Unsplash


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