Monday Morning Boost: Create Epic Moments!

Monday Morning Boost: Create Epic Moments!

Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor and nature

What is your adventure?
What passions are you pursuing?
How are you creating epic moments?

As I have contemplated such thoughts, I recalled a poem I wrote sometime in the last three years, which was when the poetry bug bit me.

Originally inspired by the outgoing adventures of Linda Perkes (that’s her climbing the icefall by the way!), “Create Epic Moments” is all about the choice to discover and pursue our own adventures — no matter our age, our limitations, or our previous lack of adventure.

By Les Patterson

Epic is for the young
So all the wise ones say
But they forgot to ask
What this lady would say.

Sitting still is not her gig
Nor is standing idly by
If someone were to ask
They might discover her WHY.

To that she may answer
Stretching is good for the soul
Choose to conquer the moment
Discover what makes you whole.

Get up and create epic moments
Life does not need to be a chore
Discover what you’re capable of
Leave your comfort and explore.


I ask again…

What is your adventure?
What passions are you pursuing?
How are you creating epic moments?

Let’s do more than just sit on the sidelines of life.

Let’s pursue
Let’s create
Let’s do!

Have a great Monday! Thanks for letting me share!


p.s. Take 13 minutes today to intentionally pursue and create your own adventure! 


The Story You Most Consistently Create Will be The Story To Most Consistently Come True In Your Life. Intentionally Create A Beautiful, Powerful, Wonderful Story!

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