Monday Morning Boost: Is It Really A Wonderful Life… And Why Should I Watch “The Christmas Story”???

Monday Morning Boost: Is It Really A Wonderful Life… And Why Should I Watch “The Christmas Story”???

Every year when I watch “It’s A Wonderful Life,” which is my most favorite Christmas movie, I ponder the “what if” question which is the premise of the show.

“What If George Bailey had not lived?”

The story does the most beautiful job of illustrating the answer. For instance, George wouldn’t have been there to rescue younger brother Harry that day when the ice gave way. Then Harry wouldn’t have been there to save that transport ship full of soldiers. And Zuzu wouldn’t have got her petals.

The deeper question is…

“What if I had not lived?”

What great things would not have happened because I wasn’t there to set in motion the chain of events that would cause them to happen?

Or what about that small insignificant event almost no one else even knows of? Does it really have the power to also change the world?

Now maybe it would be easy to dismiss my musings as a naive schoolboy caught up in a romantic fairytale of story.


Or just maybe… if we look a little deeper we will see a little bit of George Bailey in each of us. And we always need a Clarence in our lives.

In my case, as George’s story seems to be my story, in many ways, I need quite a few Clarences.

Let’s Get Those Wings!


I have avoided watching the Christmas Story for years, 54 plus years to be exact. Well, that’s not exactly true because it hadn’t been filmed 54 years ago when I was born. But I’ve avoided it ever since it was filmed.

I just don’t get it.

Bunny suits, leg lamps, a Red Ryder wagon, and the iconic kid who sticks his tongue to a frozen flagpole, the latter I have actually seen thanks to the gazillion promos for the 24 hour marathon airing of the show on TBS.

On Christmas Day I finally broke down to peer pressure and watched the show. Well, it really wasn’t that much peer pressure. What happened is it Elisa and I had a true Emptynester Christmas Eve and Day with no kiddos around. We spent our time relaxing, playing games, eating, and watching a movie.

When it came to what movie to watch, Elisa really wanted to watch The Christmas Story, and I really love Elisa so that’s what we watched.

I have to admit, it wasn’t that bad. In fact, it was kinda funny. And finally, I understand what the bunny suits and leg lamps are all about, I get the “breach of etiquette” that happened when Schwartz skipped the “triple dare and going right for the throat” with a “TRIPLE-dog-dare ya”!

And, yes, I now know the Red Ryder reference is a BB Gun and not a Wagon!

The big question is… will I watch it again???

Thanks for letting me share. Have a great Monday!


p.s. Take 13 minutes today to reflect on the greatest you have seen in yourself in this past year as you have navigated the torrential storms of 2020.

I invite you to enjoy last week’s special Christmas Eve edition of Red Edge Live where I shared the story of my Christmas in Iraq and a few other fun adventures, including brothers from another culture, and the story of Junea and “Mister! Mister! Chocolaty! Chocolaty!”


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