Sunday Reflections: Faith In Every Footstep

Sunday Reflections: Faith In Every Footstep

What does it mean to you to have “Faith In Every Footstep”?

For the pioneers crossing the plains, it meant exercising their faith to literally put one foot in front of the other, mile after mile, day after day. They faced horrible conditions, often were separated from loved ones, suffered illness and even death.

Our footsteps today may be different, but the faith our journey requires to walk those footsteps is just as important. Especially this past year. Quarantine, sickness, job loss, and even death have taken a tole on even the most resilent.

While it takes much faith to walk through the extreme parts of life, faith is also a gift that helps us walk through the more normal daily hardships and trials. And the not so normal that now seem normal, like working and schooling from home all at the same time.

As you ponder your own faith on this beautiful Sunday we pray you are blessed “With faith in every footstep [as you] follow Christ, the Lord” and that you may be “filled with hope through his pure love”.


Elisa and I are honored to share a special opportunity we have to host a worldwide Sunday evening interfaith devotional. This devotional will be broadcast on the “Worldwide Unified” Facebook group on Sunday, March 21st, at 7pm Mountain Time.

Our message will focus on the beautiful hymn “Does The Journey Seem Long” as we share a bit of our story and the blessing we have experienced.

Previous devotional leaders have included The Bonner Family, Pastor Gabe Kolstad and his wife Melissa, Portia Wilcox Louder who shared her journey of finding freedom in prison, pianist Kayla Peeters, and our friend Jamie Carrier who shared a beautiful musical message at Christmas time. And two weeks ago Jon Schmidt of The Piano Guys and his wife Michelle shared how they learned to trust in God at a deeper level after their daughter Annie died.

It’s truly an honor to be part of this beautiful Worldwide Unified family! The specific link will be available as soon as Friday. Please leave a comment below if you would like to be notified.

Have a beautiful Sunday! We love you!

Les & Elisa


Does the Journey seem hard

We’ll share some of our journey and the hope we have found



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