Monday Morning Boost: Creating A Six Year Vision

Monday Morning Boost: Creating A Six Year Vision

I had a vision nearly six years ago when I stood in a mostly empty conference room. I was attending a leadership event at the Riverwoods Conference Center in Logan, Utah. This was not the first time to attend an event there but it was the first time for this particular event.

The mostly empty room was an unfortunate reality for the event organizer who created this leadership event. This was a daunting reality for a trainer like me who hoped to one day create successful leadership events.

That’s when the vision showed up.

I saw in my mind the room filled with incredible leaders listening to an engaging speaker, a speaker who shared great stories and strategic ideas that created a palpable energy. As I looked to see who this incredible speaker was, standing there on stage, I slowly began to realize I knew who it was.

The speaker was… me.

That was the vision.

I saw myself standing on the stage, leading and teaching, sharing stories, and speaking.

I saw myself speaking.

That vision of six years ago came true last week.


Elisa and I started Red Edge Mentoring six years ago on September 1, 2016. We have created several small training events over the years, including workshops and mastermind groups. I have trained small business owners, and corporate leaders, including training in their companies.

And I have spoken on a few stages over these six years.

But I had yet to speak at the Riverwoods Conference Center as the leading keynote speaker of our own event.

Until last week.

The Empowering Greatness Leadership Experience last week was truly a result of that vision six years ago. Everything we have done for six years has led to this point. And we did by following the same process we teach.

❤️Create a Vision
❤️Executing a Strategy
❤️Live a Promise

This Power of Three formula of Vision, Strategy, and Promise is the core element of Creating a Story of Love & Greatness. Everything we teach, train, and mentor boils down to this simple concept.

We have achieved an incredible vision. As with every great experience, it took an incredible team of people to bring it all together.


Elisa is on top of my list. She was my lifesaver, my accountability coach, and my cheerleader all while being a very patient and caring partner in life and in business. I have felt like I’ve stretched her compassion beyond breaking, yet she resiliently nurtures herself to give even more. Elisa was also our opening speaker for the Empowering Greatness Leadership Experience. She rocked it!

Shawn Moser with Zaptify Marketing Solutions has been an incredible strategic partner, managing the initial launch of our new Empowering Greatness website as well as a new CRM database system. We have had some hiccups he has graciously helped us work through.

We brought in as part of the Empowering Greatness Leadership Experience a panel of leaders to share their journey of turning dreams into reality. On the panel was Dr. Cliffton Brady with Integrative Health Associates, Brennan Terry of NUM Gourmet Desserts, and Ryan Anderson with Arrow Coaching. Each was spectacular in sharing their insights and answering questions.

The leaders inside our Red Edge Mastermind group have been tireless advocates for what we are creating. To Paul White, Ben Gochberg, Richard Seamons, Shawn Moser, Alex Dark, Taylor Thomas, and Travis Allred… and to the many alumni members over the last 5 years… Thank you for the value, love, and trust. Thank you for being family. We love you!

The Cache Connection BNI Chapter is a professional networking group I joined not long after we launched Red Edge Mentoring. Several members of the BNI chapter were at the Experience last week. This BNI group is responsible for 80% of the referrals that generate our business. Truly amazing!

One of those referrals was Jimmy Birman, campus manager at the time of Stevens-Henager College in Logan. Jimmy became my first long-term mentoring client and we worked together on a weekly basis for nearly four years. As Jimmy transitioned to lead up the United Way of Cache Valley, he stepped into our Red Edge Mastermind family for a year. He was with us again last week. Jimmy has become a true brother and friend.

The Mountain West Chapter of the National Speakers Association is where I go to be nurtured and fed. For nearly four years they have surrounded me with greatness, mentoring my initial efforts, which were feeble at best, as I explored what it meant to be a professional speaker. They have helped me fine-tune my vision, craft my strategies, and live my promises. Chief among the many has been Ty Bennett, Cheryl Knowlton, Clint Pulver, Kris Barney, Chad Hymas, Julie Lee, Allen Roberds, and Jason Hewlett.

Lastly, though really foremostly, I am most grateful for the incredible blessings of a kind and patient Heavenly Father who has blessed me to still be alive and have the strength and energy to pace this sprint of creation.


I pass the baton to you my friends to share your vision, that dream you have that seems too far out to reach. That will be your vision to create as you surround yourself with greatness.

Feel free to share!

Have a beautiful Monday! Love you friends!


p.s. Take 13 minutes today to create your vision!



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