Monday Morning Boost: Pondering the Role of Miracles

Monday Morning Boost: Pondering the Role of Miracles

I have been pondering deeply the role of miracles in our lives, and pondering again on the age-old question…

Why do bad things happen to good people?

The answer to this is the most sought-after answer in all of human history.

Along our journey of life, we get to experience the arduous blessing of creating the unexpected chapters in our story of Love and Greatness.

These are the hard chapters filled with sorrow, heartache and loss, challenges, mistakes, and defeat. These are also the chapters filled with the triumphs of getting back up, emotional growth, and resiliency.

Trials will always be part of life.

This is one of the key eternal truths I have discovered this past year as I completed listening, for the first time, to the entire Old Testament.

Most trials we experience are simply the result of living life. We struggle, we experience hardships, we get sick, we fall down, and we make mistakes. Some trials are more trying, more severe, harder to understand why they happen.

Sometimes tender mercies show up in normal trials.

Sometimes miracles show up in severe trials.

And sometimes they don’t.

When we choose to seek miracles, we are strengthened in our trials, even when the sought for miracles don’t show up.

I’m grateful for the many miracles that have blessed my life, and for the strength I have received even when they haven’t.

I believe in expecting miracles to show up, in the big moments and in the little moments. I believe expecting the miracles will bless us with strength even when the miracles don’t show up.

The same will be true for you my friends. Expect the miracles. And give thanks when they show. And even if they don’t.

Have a beautiful Monday! I love you, friends!


p.s. Take 13 minutes today to ponder the role of miracles in your life.

Image by Michael Skale from Pixabay



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