Monday Morning Boost: The Gifts of the Magi

Monday Morning Boost: The Gifts of the Magi

The story of Christmas is also the story of community…

A community of family, friends, and neighbors uniting together to Light the World with a little more hope, love, and peace.

We help Santa out and shop till we drop and hope we remember one for everyone on our list. We wrap up the gifts to put under the tree and fill the stockings that have been hung up with care or tossed on the couch without much care.

We make and/or buy the treats, deliver them to neighbors while sneaking a few too many for ourselves, and send out Christmas cards or the infamous yearly recap of the family highlights (don’t forget Great Aunt Mildred and her bunion).

We share a few stories of snowman who come alive, mischievous elves who wander the house whenever they are left alone, and how Santa got run over by a reindeer while walking on our house Christmas Eve.

Somewhere along the way, we hope to remember the ‘reason for the season’, the sacredness of a silent night, and the brilliant star that still guides our hearts to Jesus.

And through it all, we hope to feel the love of family and friends, whether near or far away. We hope to fill the empty voids with love, forgive the hurts of the past, and experience again the Gifts of the Magi, those eternal blessings of love, light, and hope that create the everlasting gift of peace on earth.

From my heart to yours…

Merry Christmas Friends!

I Love You!


p.s. Take 13 minutes today to intentionally enjoy being present with those who are your greatest presents.



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