Monday Morning Boost: Do Your Words Build Or Destroy?
Do your words build or destroy???
Build or destroy what you may ask…
People. Fellow humans. The people who spend the most time around you… at home, at work, in your neighborhood…
And let’s not forget the people who read/hear your words online.
What about those words…
Do they build or destroy???
As you ponder your answer, ponder this poem (which can easily be printed on a 4×6 photo paper if you want to keep).
Build or Destroy
By Les Patterson
Our words can build
Lift up, create
Inspire others
And motivate.
Words can also
Tear down, destroy
Discourage one
Who could enjoy.
A better life
If we give heed
For they don’t ask
For what they need.
The choice is ours
That which we give
Choose to destroy
Or help one live.
~ April 15, 2017
It’s crucial we also recognize the words we speak to ourselves also have the power to build or destroy. Our thoughts have direct impact on our words and our words have direct impact on our actions. As many have said, our thoughts ultimately dictate who we become.
One such is the Chinese philosopher and writer Lao Tzu.
“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”
I like looking at this way.
Thoughts Words Actions Habits Character Destiny
It’s so simple.
And simple works.
This is also worth pondering.
Have a great Monday! Thanks for letting me share.
I Love You!
Les Patterson
p.s. Take 13 minutes today to intentionally focus on the words you speak, to others and to yourself.
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash