Monday Morning Boost: Journey of Success – What You Don’t See

Monday Morning Boost: Journey of Success – What You Don’t See

Review the “Journey of Success” graphic and then answer the following questions in relation to a significant challenge in your life or area of focus.

  1. In connection to your challenge or focus, do you feel you are mostly in the “Normal World” or in “Struggles & Growth”?
  2. Of the stages listed, what stage do you feel you are at now?
  3. Do you feel you are stuck at that stage or effectively moving forward?
  4. When you feel stuck, how do you best help yourself move forward?
  5. When you are effectively moving forward, what gives you the confidence to keep moving forward?
  6. Historically, what stage do you feel you most often give up at?
  7. What stage do you desire to be at but struggle to reach?
  8. What help do you need to more effectively move forward?
  9. Who is one person who could help you move forward?

Pondering these questions can help remove mental roadblocks, help create focus and clarity, and help eliminate the more normal distractions that get in the way of creating your own Journey of Success.

Have a beautiful Monday! Thanks for letting me share.


p.s. Take 13 minutes today to answer these questions and chart a path forward.

Graphic: I do my best to use only properly credit photos and graphics. Unfortunately, in this case, I have been unable to find the original source for the Journey of Success graphic. If any of you know the source, please let me know. Thanks!


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