Monday Morning Boost: What Did You Dream of Becoming???

Monday Morning Boost: What Did You Dream of Becoming???

What did you dream, when you were a kid, of becoming when you grew up?

If you believed the stereotypical, boys dreamt of becoming firefighters, police officers, and astronauts. And girls dreamt of becoming teachers, hairstylists, and secretaries.

Kinda funny how stereotypical the stereotypical actually is!

When I was a young kid, I had three core dreams I wanted to be when I grew up… army guy, cowboy, and racehorse jockey. And, in one way or the other, I had the blessing of doing each one of these!


I really wanted to know what childhood dreams fueled your growing up realities, so last night I reached out on Facebook and asked. I was overwhelmed (in a really great way!) with how many of you responded. When I checked last night there was over 120, and more were still coming in! These are just a few of the responses I received. Thank you my friends!

Some dreamt of the stereotypical roles like we mentioned…

  • Jared Rice – A fireman or paramedic
  • Ben Rogers – Firefighter
  • Joseph Sysling – A police officer
  • Michael Wolf – Astronaut

A few said they are actually doing (or have done) what they dreamt off…

  • Danny B Stewart – Folklorist… I became one.
  • Kimberly Anderson PattersonA nurse, and I’ve been one for 20 years.
  • Lauretta Hill – A teacher, my Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Waldren inspired me!! She told me that I could become anything and anyone I wanted to be. She taught me to follow my dreams. I have been an educator for over 35 years.
  • Michelle Bair Matthews – A nurse. I was able to work in that field for a good ten plus years.
  • Marissa Cohn – A zookeeper. Undergrad is in zoology!
  • Derek Dimond – Army guy and a SWAT guy. And here I am over 50 and still doing both.

Some dreamt of their role as a parent…

  • Teresa Kilander Anderson – A mother of 10 children! Ha Ha! I was blessed with 5 and that is plenty!
  • Susan Escalante – A wife and mom with lots of children.
  • Donna Herron – Firefighter. And a good mom.
  • Lyle Affleck – I wanted to be a daddy! I got my wish 4x over! (glad to see at least one guy who dreamed of being a dad!)
  • Sunni Braithwaite Brann – A mother, and a teacher
  • Cheryl Leighton Knowlton – It depends on the age. I wanted to be all kinds of things, from a jockey to an author to a professional swimmer. The one consistent thing I always wanted was to be a wife and a mother.

Several dreamt of the unique and/or exotic…

  • Corie Hutts – Killer whale trainer
  • Glen Merrell – According to my mom, I wanted to be “a gum maker” so I could have gum whenever I wanted.
  • Katie Betts – A marine biologist
  • Carolynn Morris – A brain surgeon! Chemistry 101 pretty much derailed that dream!
  • Brooke Yates Hyer – Disney Princess!
  • Rachel Engstrom – A dog (isn’t this one fun!)
  • AnnMarie Curling – A veterinarian, a journalist, and POTUS!
  • Aaron Houghton – A Navy SEAL.

A few shared how their dreams may have been discouraged by others…

  • Tana Huntsman Bennett – A veterinarian — always wanted to help animals — My dad said — no daughter of mine ever be a vet — dreams die hard.
  • Rachel Lamb(responding to Tana) That’s what my dad said about me becoming a doctor.
  • Aaron Allen – I am the second oldest boy in my family. So my older brother stole all the good ideas. I was told to stop copying him.


Stan Bearup, as a kid, “dreamed of being an Iditarod and Yukon Quest 1000 mile sled dog race competitor.” And the young age of 19 he became one, and nearly died training for his first competition.

A “malformed vein” had ruptured inside Bearup’s head leaving him unconscious on the trail with the temperature at bone-chilling 10 degrees below zero. The young musher was rescued before long and was soon on an operating table in Anchorage. He wasn’t expected to survive the surgery, nor did the doctors have high hopes he would live much longer afterward.

Despite the left side of his body initially being paralyzed, and not expected to ever function properly, Bearup survived and thrived! And one year later, he was in the race, the youngest musher (at the time in 1984) to ever compete.

Click here to read more of Bearup’s “miracle” story from photos of news clippings he shared from the time. It’ll be worth it!


  • Merrill Harris – Wanted to be a pilot. And an Air Force pilot at that!
  • Josh Eldridge – Fighter pilot
  • Aaron Kelson – Other than being a cowboy riding his horse toward the horizon, my earliest dream job was to be a pilot. Something about reaching new frontiers I guess!

Reaching new frontiers is what this poem is all about, be it as an actual pilot such as Reed Barrett pictured above… or something not quite so exotic yet still as powerfully important, such as the dream you are pursuing!

By Les Patterson

I am the pilot.

I dreamed of flying as a child. I imagined soaring through the wide open skies. I allowed my dreams to foster. I did not allow my dreams to die.

I am the pilot.

I nurtured my talents. I developed my skills. I learned from others. I watched. I listened. I observed.

I am the pilot.

I learned to fly in a trainer. I advanced to a Cub Cadet. I now fly a fighter jet.

I am the pilot.

I file my flight plan. I complete my pre-flight checks. I climb into my cockpit. I engage the throttle. I taxi the aircraft to the end of the runway.

I am the pilot.

I sit on the runway ready for takeoff. I gaze into a cloudless sky with no limits. I push the levers forward. I feel the thrust push me back into my seat. I know what this means.

I am the pilot.

I am now airborne! I have the entire sky as my playground. I use wisely the space and time afforded me. I respect my gauges, know the limits of myself and of my aircraft, and know when I can push. 

I am the pilot.

I fly to my heart’s content. I soar over the wonderful world. I enjoy all of God’s and mankind’s great creations.

I am the pilot.

I fly with intention and impact. I know my destination. I know my dream.

I am the pilot.

I rest when I’m tired. I refuel when needed. I maintain my aircraft. I refine my skills. I nurture my soul.

I am the pilot.

I share the view of my perspective and the joy of my journey. I encourage others to also dream. I believe in them as others once believed in me.

I am the pilot.

I live my life well. I walk softly on sacred ground. I fly respectfully in the freedom of the open air.

I am the pilot.


Chase your dreams my friends!

Have a great Monday! Thanks for letting me share!


p.s. Take 13 minutes today to intentionally chase your dreams!

Featured Fighter Jet Photo by Chandler Cruttenden on Unsplash


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