Sunday Reflections: In Commemoration of Flag Day

Sunday Reflections: In Commemoration of Flag Day

Squished between Memorial Day and Independence Day is Flag Day, an oft-overlooked holiday designed to remember all that our Flag stands for.

For over 225 years, Old Glory has proudly flown through times of war and times of peace. On federal holidays Flags fly on white poles through many communities. When a member of the military or law enforcement is killed in the line of duty, Flags fill the yard and line the streets.

In September of last year, 20,000 miniature U.S. Flags were placed on the National Mall to memorialize the 200,000 Americans who had died at that time from COVID-19. When communities mourn, the Follow the Flag organizations have flown their giant Flags as part of their mission to “Honor, Heal, and Inspire.”

The beautiful lyrics of the hymn “My County! ‘Tis of Thee” is a beautiful representation of all that is good our Flag stands for and is a continually flying symbol of hope for all our country can still yet be.

Sweet land of liberty…
Land of the noble free…
Sweet freedom’s song…

The final verse serves as a sacred prayer to God, He who truly is the “author of liberty.”

Our fathers’ God, to thee,
Author of liberty, to thee we sing;
Long may our land be bright
With freedom’s holy light;
Protect us by thy might, great God, our King.

Have A Beautiful Sunday!

We Love You!

Les & Elisa

p.s. Our live video recorded without any sound so we are sharing this powerful performance by the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square.


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