Monday Morning Boost: Why The “Power of Three” Works

Monday Morning Boost: Why The “Power of Three” Works

Four powerful coaching conversations this past week have unveiled the crystal clear results that can be achieved when you focus on being an Intentional Leader by using the Red Edge Mentoring foundational Power of Three principles of Vision, Strategy, and Promise.


Finding clarity (even foggy clarity) on your vision for life will empower you to better know 1) the vision you want to create, 2) why this vision is important, and 3) who you want to be in the process.

Even if your vision seems shrouded in a mist of uncertainty, it holds the power to shape your existence in simple and profound ways. Gaining even a glimpse of that foggy clarity could be the cornerstone of a monumental shift in your life. It’s like you have a compass that points you in the direction you want to go, answers the critical questions of why this particular path matters, and helps you clarify who you aspire to become along the way.


The Power of Three is a simple tool for aligning the daily investment of your time, focus, and energy with your vision by clarifying 1) What Matters Most, 2) What You Can Control & Influence, and 3) What You Love & Enjoy.

When all the things we feel we have to do in life, let the Power of Three can be a beacon of simplicity for aligning your daily investments of time, focus, and energy with your vision for life. Essentially, the Power of Three can be a compass to help you navigate the many variables of life by infusing each moment with a purpose that is in alignment.


Choosing to live simple promises made to yourself will empower you to 1) stay focused on your Vision through the challenges of life, 2) adjust your Strategy as needed, and 3) get back up and back on track when the storms of life batter you down.

The idea that simple promises made to yourself could create such transformative power may feel, well, too simple. When you choose to live by these self-made commitments, then no matter the storms that will batter your journey, your promises will be as a steadfast lighthouse even in the fiercest tempests. Promises will empower you to stay focused on your vision through adversity while allowing you to recalibrate your strategy as needed, ensuring that we continue to move forward with purpose.


I continually marvel at the profound impact that the Red Edge Mentoring principles of Vision, Strategy, and Promise create for those who embrace them. It was a testament to the transformative power of being an Intentional Leader.

As we forge ahead, let’s remember that even in the midst of life’s complexities, simplicity often holds the key to transformation. The power of three principles – Vision, Strategy, and Promise – can be the catalyst for a journey filled with purpose, clarity, and unwavering determination. Embrace them, my friend, and watch as they illuminate your path toward becoming the intentional leader you are meant to be.

Thanks for letting me share. Have a beautiful Monday.

I love you!


p.s. Take 13 minutes today to focus on implementing the Power of Three in your life. 



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